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The Task: The brief was to redesign the company’s website such that it incorporates rebranding and enhances the overall experience of the site.

  1. Validate user personas from the brief and research.

  2. Rebuild the Information Architecture (IA) for the website to meet the needs of two key user personas.

  3. Make sure that the redesigned website is in line with the brand’s identity and guidelines.



The idea was that every page should have a story to tell and should answer the following questions — What we are, who we are, what we do, how we can help you. To make the human interaction more immersive with the website, we experimented with the layout of the home page. Instead of the old vertical scrolling behavior, we decided to have a horizontal scroll on the home page which gave a cleaner transition to the sections and better visibility to the content.

Key highlights-

  1. Horizontal scrolling to make it stand out from the rest of the pages.

  2. Tried to have more impact with fewer words — Crisp visuals

  3. Easy scanning.

  4. To get more conversions — we decided to have ‘Contact’ as a primary CTA on the header so that it gets user attention which was missing earlier.

  5. Coherent layout— every section was visually different from each other yet felt a part of the whole.

This e-commerce website is based in US that provides personalised flowers with accessories. For gaining better revenue, the business owners would like to conduct a rethinking and build a new e-commerce website with Shopify.

Main Pain Points:

-Poor User Experience/User Interaction

-Low Revenue and Website Traffic

I was engaged to diagnose and address the Client’s pain points. I started off with a Website audit that allowed me to identify the areas of concern quickly. Equipped with information on the customer experience journey, source of traffic, bounce rate data and in-depth competitor analysis, I advised the client to redesign their Website to rectify the technical and design flaws identified.


I designed a user-friendly design interface allowing the website visitors to have an uninterrupted browsing experience. The site was restructured to enhance the navigation, build custom product, product details page, category/collection and provide more logical and a smoother flow of information.


Following the website revamp, the bounce rate dropped drastically from 80 to 15 percent. There was a visible increase in Visitors’ interest in products offered as displayed on the website. Customers showed more engagement with the content and responded positively to the Call to Action.


Who doesn’t like a change of scenery? This web redesign is a breeze of fresh air for the users. A tool as important for hotels as it is its website should be brought up to date with positive results if you rely on a good team specialized in digital marketing and web design.

With the website redesign, The Waterfront Beach Resort - : A Stunning Luxury Resort on the Sand and Surf of Huntington Beach-  currently welcomes its online visitors by showing a clean and very clear website with blank spaces. This way, users can consume the information that interests them comfortably and easily. What improvements do you get with a web redesign?

Responsive web. One of the most important changes that the website experienced with its redesign was its transformation to responsive design. That is to say, after the change, Waterfront Hotel has an online platform navigable and optimized to perfection to be visited from any mobile device, including also the booking process.

*Key steps to redesign overall website:-

Loading time optimization. 

Structure of content. 

Adaptation according your consumer

Smart calendar


Fast and clear booking process

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The Dancebody Studio, wanted to update their old website to something more modern and functional before a new season of classes.

Redesign can be a challenge. They are selling a product, and a service, and so there has to be a lot communicated in the design and information present that would attract customers. A customer will want to know who the people are and how she might fit into that studio. It can be hard to get a sense of a place like a dance studio, but a well-designed website can help bridge that uncertainty.

Communication between Alt Media and The Dancebody Studio made working on this site like a dance. We were able to grasp quickly the form and movement the studio wanted for the site so we could get the refreshed site built in two weeks! We also made space to showcase pictures and videos from the studio to give a visual taste of what dancing there is like.

Key elements we added:

- High quality photos and videos

- Make it super easy to visit

- Get listed on local directories

- Show your class schedule - Mindbody

- Offer online virtual classes

- Add accomplishments and Featured blogs (30).png

Humans are emotional beings and communicate not only through words but on many levels. The humanoid robot perfectly mimics these typical human behaviors. Pepper communicates via facial expressions, gestures and posture and can also recognize the emotional state of his conversation partner and react accordingly. These characteristics make Pepper a social companion robot.

Pepper can recognize people a few meters away and reacts actively and independently to people in his vicinity. The robot can assess people's emotional state based on facial expressions, body posture and tone of voice and shows an appropriate reaction. The human behavior and the stylized childlike appearance lead to a strong social acceptance. The humanoid robot is therefore ideal for use in customer care, in the service sector and in the health and education sectors.  

We performed a competitive analysis to assess the marketplace in this very niche space, and to determine where Pepper measured up in comparison. We noticed that Pepper's website was missing some industry standard components, such as information about tech specifications, product features, area of application a FAQ page, and more.

  • Simplifying content on screens.

  • Adding the option to sync to smart home devices.

  • Addition of a password confirmation button.

  • Larger buttons to facilitate touch screen.

  • Addition of button icons accompanied by text.

  • Option to hide menu bar to maximize screen view.

  • Ability to see accessibility changes live during customization.

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